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The Indian Basketball Circuit

My love for basketball, and not only that - Indian basketball. I've had my share of college and professional experience, but the Indian Circuit has always drawn me back. I started thinking about why that is. What it is about "the Indian Basketball Circuit" that has captured me and so many other talents from far and wide across Indian Country.


I have had the opportunity to travel to many different Indian reservations and play in some of the world's best All-Indian tournaments. Some tourneys are put on by Tribes and tribal organizations, but most are put on by individuals and families who put in a lot of work to bring honor to a person or purpose important to them. I've always been glad to be a part of that. Visiting and playing on each reservation is like its own little journey. It's been meeting new people, seeing new sites, hearing new languages and even trying new traditional foods. Did you know there are countless ways to make Indian frybread?


Honestly, for some guys like me, playing Indian ball can give you a deeper connection to your community, your tribe, and your people. Seeing guys just like me doing what they love, playing ball, but the Indian way - "Rez Ball." Rez Ball is our own adapted version of the game. A special style that emphasizes high-tempo transition-based basketball with quick scoring and aggressive defense to force turnovers.


The Circuit attracts some of Indian Country's finest ballers. That's because on a good weekend you could be returning home with a cash prize, a pendleton jacket, or even some handmade jewelry. It takes some real training, dedication, and most importantly a stacked team (lol), but these tournaments definitely can provide the players and their families with some real money. At these tournaments you see collegiate and professional level players, both men and women. Some who have "made it out" to play basketball at a higher level and many who have built themselves a nice little side-career out of playing in the Indian Circuit. These days you have "superstar" teams made up of players from all different tribes, and then you've got teams that try to keep their roster local to their reservation. It's entertaining to watch too! Indian tournaments do bring in the spectators! Indian people sure love them some good "Rez Ball."


Indian ball has been around for many years. It was here before me and it will be here long after me. It has brought Indian communities together, given them something to be proud of, to root for, and to celebrate. And we're good at it! From what I've seen, Indian basketball is the heart that keeps a poor reservation hopeful and a wealthy reservation humble. Indian basketball keeps us all connected like a family and that has to be good, right?


Adrian Nabors, CEO 

RezBall Affiliate 

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